Boyens, José, Oscar Jespers, beeldhouwer en tekenaar, 1887 – 1970
Including an illustrated, analytical and documented catalogue on his sculptural work.
Oscar Jespers, sculptures et dessins
Deurle-Scheveningen 2013 (607 ill.).
To place an order, please contact:

Boyens, José, Oscar Jespers, de tekeningen
Retrospective with description of drawings compiled for the sale event held by Hein A.M. Klaver Kunsthandel during Art Breda (21 ill.)
To place an order, please contact:
info@heinklaver.nl / tél : 035-54 35 296
- Ostaijen, Paul van, Oskar Jespers, in Vlaamsche Arbeid 1924, 24th year, no. 12, p. 387-403 (2 ill.); Verzameld werk IV, p. 175 – 191
- Marlier, Georges, Oscar Jespers, in Sélection 1927, 6th year, no. 5, p. 355-376 (16 ill.)
- Haesaerts, Luc et Paul, La sculpture dualiste d’Oscar Jespers, in Catalogue Art Contemporain 1934, idem in Le Vrai 23.5.1934
- Ridder, André de, Oscar Jespers (Monographies de l’art belge), Antwerp 1948 (28 ill.). idem Oscar Jespers (Monographieën over Belgische Kunst), Antwerp 1948 (28 ill.)
- Langui, Emile, 50 jaar moderne kunst, inleiding Internationale Wereldtentoonstelling, Brussels 1958 (ill.)
- Tegenbosch, Lambert, Beelden zijn blokken bij Oscar Jespers, in de Volkskrant, 4.1.1964 (ill.)
- Hoof, Guido Van, De man die ‘Bezette stad’ een gezicht gaf, in De Standaard, De Standaard der letteren 1965, 11 September, no. 6-7
- Florquin, Joos, Ten huize van V. Ten interviews, which were broadcast on Belgian television networks before being complied. Among the interlocutors: Oscar Jespers, conversation in 1958, Leuven 1969
- Hammacher, A.M., The Evolution of Modern Sculpture. Tradition and Innovation, New York 1970 (ill.). / Paris-New York 1971
- Menten, Theodore, The Art Deco Style in Household Objects, Architecture, Sculpture, Graphics, Jewelry. 468 Authentic Examples, New York 1972 (4 ill.)
- Boyens, José, Jespers, Oscar, in Nationaal Biografisch Woordenboek, section 7, Brussels 1977, col. 419 – 438
- Langui, Emile, Oscar Jespers, l’homme et son art, introduction catalogue Oscar Jespers, sculptures, dessins, Paris 1977, Musée Rodin (90 ill.)
- Hoozee, Robert, Piet Boyens, Inge Henneman etc., Vlaams expressionisme in Europese context 1900 – 1930, Gent 1990 (8 ill.).
- Lambrechts, Marc, De innerlijke stilte. De animistische tendens in de Belgische sculptuur rond 1940, Brussels, Kredietbank 1995 (9 ill.)
- Boyens, José, De genesis van Bezette stad. Ik spreek met de mannen en regel alles wel. Brieven van Oscar Jespers aan Paul van Ostaijen, 1920 – 1921, over het ontstaan van Bezette stad en de Antwerpse groepering van het Sienjaal, Antwerp 1995 (61 ill.)
- Buyck, Jean F., Floris en Oscar Jespers, de moderne jaren, Antwerp 1996
- Boyens, José, Oscar Jespers, de tekeningen. Retrospective with description of drawings compiled for the sale event held by Hein A.M. Klaver Kunsthandel during Art Breda 2014 (21 ill. )
- Boyens, José, Oscar Jespers, beeldhouwer en tekenaar, 1887 – 1970. Including an illustrated, analytical and documented catalogue on his sculptural work, Oscar Jespers, sculptures et dessins, Deurle-Scheveningen 2013 (607 ill.)
- Boyens, José, The Sculpture of Oscar Jespers in an International Context, From Wieske Baseleer to Little Leda, in The Low Countries. Arts and Society in Flanders and the Netherlands, 2014, no. 22, p. 210-217 (9 ill.)